Has been employed and posted as TPA Coordinator from last 5 years at our hospital. Also appointed with the post as NABH Co-Ordinator and quality manager.

Previously had a year experience at Deshmukh Maternity Hospital Amravati. Appointed as RMO in ICU from last 9 years at hospital. Also appointed with the post of Infection Control Officer in Hospital.

appointed with the post of Human Resource Manager.

Has been appointed as Laundry Incharge from last 16 years at our hospital.

5 years experience in Ambulance Driver and 1 years experience in Ambulance Management. Has been employed as Ambulance Management officer from last 2 years at our hospital.

Has been appointed as Assistant Guards Incharge from last 2 years at our hospital.

Previously a years’ experience at Bakhtar Hospital Amravati. Appointed as physiotherapist from last 4 years in our hospital.

Has been posted as Floor Nursing staff Incharge from last 10 years at our hospital.

8 year's experience at Godhane Hospital Warud . Has been employed at post of Receptionist from last 15 years at our hospital. Later also appointed as the post of Safety Officer.

Has been appointed as Maintenance Manager for the last 16 years at our hospital.

Has been appointed as Billing officer and Cashier for the last 15 years at our hospital.

Previously has a year's experience at Christanand Hospital Bramhapuri & 2-year Dayasagar Hospital Amravati. Has been posted as ICU Head Nurse from last 16 years. Later also appointed as Nursing Superintendent.

From last 9 years, he has been associated with hospital as an electrician.

Since a year, he has been associated with as hospital for all the facility services such as plumbing, masonry work, etc.

Previously had 10 year's experience at Parshavnath X-ray Clinic Amravati and 18 year's experience Ambadevi Joshi Trust Amravati. Has been appointed as X-ray technician from last 9 years at our hospital.

Worked as a Stock manager initially at our hospital. Now with 10 years experience has been appointed with the post of Account Head.

Previously had a 6-month experience at Dinanath Mangeshakar Hospital Pune. Has been appointed as TPA Coordinator from last 9 years at our hospital.

He had 7 years experience at Maitrey Marketing, 4 years experience at Indian society of Agree Business professionals (ISAP). Appointed as Public Relation Officer for past 5 years, also holds position of grievance manager at our hospital.

Has been appointed as Billing officer and Cashier for the last 16 years at our hospital.
working as a stock manager

Working as a OPD In-charge

Previously she had 7 years’ experience at Navajivan Hospital Amravati . Has been employed as Receptionist for the past 6 years at our hospital.

Working as a MRD Manager.

Working as a Dietician

Working at OPD receiption

16 year's experience in our hospital as an Account Manager.

Working as a housekeeper inchage from past several years at Hitech Multispeciality Hospital.